Quick & Easy Halloween Candy Apples

Green Cutlery

Savor the enchanting crunch of Halloween candy apples! Coated in a black candy glaze and adorned with spooky sweetness, this festive treat casts a delicious spell.

With all of the abundance, making candy apples seems like a natural choice. If you aren’t familiar with these treats, crisp apples are covered in a hard candy shell. So fun and delicious!

A Fun Fall Treat

Be sure to check out this Halloween chocolate bark, these Halloween rice krispie pops or this Hocus Pocus dessert board for more Halloween fun food ideas!

You can even add candy eyes! Sure, it is possible to buy candy apple kits at the grocery store, but why would you when it is so easy to make them from scratch. Let me show you

Make it Fun!

Homemade Heather

Cooking, Crafting & Holiday Inspiration
