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Zombie shrunken head that looks like Bob from Beetlejuice with a white dress shirt and yellow suit.
5 from 3 votes

DIY Beetlejuice Shrunken Head "Bob" Costume

Prep Time2 hours
Active Time1 hour


  • Small skull form 4-6" big
  • Small black wig
  • Scissors
  • Air dry clay
  • Clay shaping tool
  • 1 " Styrofoam balls
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Mod podge
  • Two PVC poles about 3' and 2' in length
  • Two large sponges or foam blocks
  • Extra large white dress shirt
  • White ball cap
  • Extra large yellow suit
  • Blue and yellow striped tie
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hot glue
  • Hello name tag printable


  • Start with a small skull base - this will become the shrunken head!
  • Cover the skull in strips of masking tape to smooth out some of the features.
  • Use air dry clay to shape the features of the head.
  • Make the eyebrows larger, the nose more pronounced, add forehead rolls and holes around the mouth. Use a clay shaping tool to score lines into the face and allow to dry completely.
  • Paint the head with a variety of tones of brown acrylic paint, from light on the nose to dark in the eye sockets. *
  • * I originally painted our shrunken head brown to go with our Family Beetlejuice Costume and later washed over the brown paint with turquoise to use for this "Bob" costume.
  • Next gather supplies to assemble the head.
  • Cut a swath of black hair about 10 inches long and tie it in the center to form a pony tail. Glue this to the top of the head with hot glue.
  • Trim off about 1/3 of the styrofoam from the back of two styrofoam balls and glue them into the eye sockets.
  • Cut nine piece of twine 1.5 " long and glue to the mouth in a criss cross manner.
  • Finish the eyeballs
  • Paint small pupils and veins onto the eyes using acrylic paint.
  • Glue the head to the top of the hat. Tip: a white hat will help to blend with the white dress shirt.
  • Now create large shoulders to fit into the xl shirt. We used two pieces of pipe connected with a "t" and two large yoga blocks to create shoulders. You could also use pool noodles and large sponges.
  • Next, glue the collar of the white shirt around the base of the shrunken head and loop the tie around the neck.
  • Move on to the yellow suit. Here you will need to cut a hole on each side of the suit jacket about half way down the side wide enough to fit an arm through. Then cut a corresponding slit in each arm of the suit at about the elbow.
  • This is where the arms will go through the costume from inside the suit jacket to the arms of the jacket. You can sew or hot glue gun these holes together to make a seamless transition if you want but we found that it was not needed.
  • Cut down the two side seams of the white dress shirt - the wearer will not be placing their arms through the dress shirt, only the suit.
  • To assemble the shrunken head costume, start by strapping the shoulder apparatus to the wearer at the chest level. This can be done with a belt or tape.
  • Have the wearer put the suit pants on and pull them up as high as they will go. Now place the white shirt and shrunken head hat on the wearer - over the shoulders and button up the dress shirt.
  • Next, place the suit jacket over the dress shirt, have the wearer move their arms through the holes, tuck everything in and button up the suit jacket.
  • Add the "Hello, my name is Bob" name tag and you are done!


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