1. Start by creating a horn headband. I glued two styrofoam balls together, wrapped them in cotton batting and wrapped the whole thing in blue felt. Then I embellished with ribbon and added some ears {the little miss loved helping with this part}.
2. To create the mane I cut the scrap felt into 1″ x 6″ strips. I used groups of three felt pieces for each section of the mane.
3. To get the mane to stand up and have the felt not flop over, I folded the felt piece in half at the centre. Then I folded the piece in half lengthwise, creating a “v”.
4. I pinned each section about an inch apart. Starting two – three inches back from the front of the hood to as far as I could get with my scrap felt. To create each section of the mane I poked the pin through the hoodie from the inside. Then I poked the pin through a folded felt piece on the outside.
5. For each section I used three pieces of folded felt and then poked the pin back into the hoodie and fastened the pin.
6. For the hooves, I had two blue circles with a triangular shape cut out. I pinned them to the inside of the cuffs on the hoodie.
7. Then I used the rest of the scrap felt to create a tail that I pinned to the back of the hoodie {each pin was also covered with duct tape on the inside}.