Rainbow Mix & Match Painted Rock Craft

Looking for a simple painted rock craft for the kids? Look no further! We love, love, love crafting and creating with painted rocks. We made these Star Wars Photo Holders last year that were a huge hit with the boys teachers. Today I’m sharing this Rainbow Mix & Match Painted Rock Craft that is super cute and easy to create…
These coloured rocks can be used in so many different ways. Check out how versatile they are.
I created a sorting bag using this toiletry bag tutorial to help keep them organized. Young children can easily sort each rock by shape, color or size.
Here are a few mix & match ideas…
- Matching game. Pull out two rocks. Are they the same color? If so, then you found a match!
- Find the color. Our kids love going on ‘treasure hunts’ searching high and low for colors. This activity can keep them busy for a long time! Have them draw a rock from the bag and send them off to find an object (or objects) of that color. If you are doing multiple items, it is a great way for them to practice their counting too!
- Color mixing. Use our free printable color mixing worksheet to get kiddos started on a coloring adventure. Draw out colors to find out what combinations you will be mixing. Sometimes they are odd ones, but nevertheless they are fun to create. This is a great early science activity to do with kids. What colors do you think will be created? What do you notice every time you add white or black to a color? Will the colors get lighter or darker. Early scientific method use at it’s finest! en

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- Rocks
- White acrylic paint
- Acrylic paint of your choice of colors
- Black Sharpie marker
- Mod Podge
- Paint brushes

How to make these mix & match rocks:
- Collect your rocks! The number of rocks will depend on how many colors you wish to have. I did rocks in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black and white. Because I wanted my kids to be able to play the matching game, I made two of each color for a total of 20 rocks.
- Wash the rocks and let them dry. Kids love to help with this!
- Once the rocks are dry, paint them white. This is optional, but it makes a HUGE difference in making the colors nice and bright.
- Paint the rocks in your choice of colors. I like to do two coats of paint on my rocks for a nice pretty color.
- Once the rocks are dry, use a Sharpie to write out the color words on the rocks. This is an optional step, but seeing the words written with the words is a great visual for early learners.
- Seal with a thin layer of Mod Podge. This will keep the paint from chipping and help to protect through lots of play! Plus, it gives them a nice shiny look!
- Let dry. Your rocks are ready to play!

Paint and label the rocks.

Seal with mod podge.

Download and print the free Rainbow Mix & Match Worksheet – for personal use only.

Rainbow Mix & Match Painted Rock Craft Printable

Match rocks to each other or things found around the house like this red dinosaur and pink balloon.

Have fun with you little ones! How would you use this mix & match painted rock craft? Check out our 20+ Painted Rock Crafts for even more ideas!!