20+ Make Ahead Meals for Your Next Camping Trip

By Homemade Heather

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While hot dogs and peanut butter are camping staples, these easy camping recipes take things to the next level. It’s amazing the easy recipes that you can make with just a camping stove!

Easy, Delicious Camping Recipes

Korean Beef Skillet

This Korean beef skillet recipe is delicious, perfect for camping and keto friendly!

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Camp Cooker Pizza

This delicious camp cooker pizza recipe is perfect for camping! Simply layer all of the pizza ingredients in a pie iron and cook over the fire.

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Greek Chicken Skewers

You have got to try this Greek Chicken Skewer camping recipe. I seriously cannot make these skewers fast enough before they disappear straight off of the grill!

This tinfoil packet taco salad recipe is the perfect "one pot" style camping recipe for the whole family!

Tinfoil Packet Taco Salad 

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Tinfoil Packet Fajitas

This tinfoil packet fajita recipe is absolutely delicious and perfect for camping!

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This campfire pizza bake is the perfect recipe for camping and one that the kids are sure to love!

Campfire Pizza Bake

For more recipes, DIY, & beyond, visit:
