1. Begin by forming the clay into soft, malleable balls.
2. Roll the tan clay into 3 cm balls.
3. Form the balls into long cylindrical shapes that are tapered at the top.
4. Curve the stems if desired. Create a hole in the base using a toothpick.
5. Roll the blue clay into balls that are about 4cm thick. Roll many tiny white balls that are about 1/2 cm in diameter.
6. Press and roll the blue balls into a flat circular shape.
7. Press the tiny white balls into the mushroom caps.
8. Use the end of a stylus to press the blue circle into a mushroom cap shape.
9. Roll tiny black balls of clay for eyes.
10. Bake the clay as directed on the package. For me this was 20 minutes at 220 degrees.
11. When the clay has cooled, glue the black balls to the stems for eyes.
12. Add mouths to the stems using a black sharpie marker.
13. Paint white dots onto the back eyes. Tip: I use a toothpick dipped in paint to get the tiny white dots.
14. Seal the clay with mod podge.
15. Insert a toothpick into the base to create a plant pick.
16. Balance the mushroom cap on the stem and place it in your favortie plant pot as a fun accent. Tip: you may also glue the cap to the stem if desired.