
Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread Printables

Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread House Printables

These free Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread Printables make a fun & easy activity for your Elf on the Shelf.  Simply print this awesome gingerbread house to use this Christmas season.

Too busy to print these right away?! Pin them for later!  Pin this post to your favorite printables board on Pinterest and it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

For the complete bundle of Elf on the Shelf Printables in a convenient PDF download, be sure to check out my Etsy Shop! You might like these Elf Holiday Party Printables or Elf Activity Printables too.

Free Elf Gingerbread House Printables:

This awesome activity is perfect for making a gingerbread house for your Elf on the Shelf this holiday season. I like to laminate each of the printable props so that they can be reused over and over again each year!

Cut out and fold the printable house, laminate the props and use them to create a darling gingerbread house scene with your elf. These are perfect for parties or classroom units with an elf theme too! 

Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread House Printables

The printable sheets can easily be downloaded – scroll to the bottom to grab the free PDF file. These free printable elf on the shelf gingerbread props are for personal use only.

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Essentials for printable projects:

Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread House Printables

We made these classic gingerbread cookies, decorated them with delicious eggnog icing and staged them to go with our elf.

Be sure to check out this darling clay Elf ornament, this fun Elf punch board advent or these easy Elf hat sugar cookies as well.

Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread House Printables

These are the best elf printables, using them is a great way to be prepared for the entire month of December. Create easy and fun activities for your own elf on the shelf this year.

The whole family can get into the holiday fun with this Christmas activity and fun elf ideas!

More Elf on the Shelf ideas:

Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread House Printables

These free printables include a north pole sign, gingerbread cookies, candy canes, gingerbread man and elf on the shelf gingerbread house kit. The brown tabs are used as stands for each of the accessories.

Skip making a gingerbread cracker house with this printable pack that allows you to make your own gingerbread house in two sizes. Simply glue each side of the house to the front of the gingerbread house to create the larger sized house for Christmas time.

Fun ways to use printables:

  • Create a coloring and activity book
  • Print the activity sheets and laminate them so that they can be reused
  • Use them as a fun activity at your next party or event
  • Add them to your holiday party games
  • Create holiday activities to use year after year

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File Usage

  • All digital files on Homemade Heather are for personal use only.
  • Please direct others to the original website link when sharing.
  • Digital reselling, resharing, or distribution is prohibited and NOT allowed.
Elf on the Shelf Gingerbread House

If you love this free elf on the shelf gingerbread house printable, please help me share it on Facebook and Pinterest so that others can enjoy it too.

More educational resources are available in my large printable library!

about heather

Hello, I’m Heather!

I'm an active mom of twin boys who is always looking for opportunities to inspire creativity through fun crafts, do-it-yourself projects and delicious recipes. This blog has been an integral part of supporting my little family and I am so grateful to have you become a part of our journey! Let's create together... Read more...

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The elf gingerbread house won’t send to my email. Is this no longer available?