Giant Valentine Heart Printable Coloring Page
Giant Valentine Heart Printable Coloring Page – a creative and fun way to keep the kids busy this Valentine’s Day! Simply download the pages, print and tape them together to make one huge coloring page for hours of fun.

Too busy to print these right away?! Pin them for later! Pin this post to your favorite printables board on Pinterest and it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.
This epic download includes twenty five Valentine coloring pages in a PDF file that is easy to print and create a giant poster with. This is not an engineer print, you simply tape together the sheets of paper following the vertical and horizontal lines. Easy peasy right?!
Giant Valentine Coloring Sheet:

We found a heart printable last year that was a huge hit with the family so this year we decided to create one of our own! I had taped it to our floor and everyone (big or small) took part in colouring the ENTIRE thing! There’s an after pic on Instagram somewhere….
This giant valentine heart coloring page has become a part of the Valentine’s Day fun for the whole family!

This giant printable coloring page has been a hit with everyone and just the right size for all to enjoy. It includes a 25 page pdf file that creates one huge image to color!
How to assemble a giant coloring page:
- Print the entire twenty five page PDF using a printer with black ink.
- Fold the top of each sheet along the edge of the printed area OR cut the excess paper at the top off in a straight line.
- Fold the right side of each sheet along the edge of the printed area OR cut the excess paper on the right off in a straight line.
- Using clear tape, tape the sheets of paper together starting from the top. Tape each corner of paper to the sheet of paper below it.
- Finally, tape the entire giant coloring sheet to your flat surface. A wall or the floor works best for coloring sheets of this size.

Cool though right?! We can’t wait to get colouring! In fact I think that Isaiah coloured in all of the little hearts yesterday and Cam worked on the train track. So if you want a piece of this gigantic heart colouring activity you better get over here pronto before all of the real estate is gone!
This post contains affiliate links.
- We love using this Canon Wireless Printer for perfect printing every time.
- These duotang folders are ideal for creating activity books.
- This Scotch Thermal Laminator is the one we use and it works great.
- These stackable storage containers are awesome for keeping everything organized.

If you think this is fun be sure to check out our Valentine Activity Printables and Valentine Color By Number Printables too.
Grab the printable giant Valentine Heart coloring activity PDF now in my Etsy shop! For personal and non-commercial use only.
Giant Valentine Heart Printable PDF
If you love these giant Valentine Heart printable coloring pages, please help me share them on Facebook and Pinterest so that others can enjoy them too!
Why does the free printable heart send me to site to purchase?
Oh so sorry about that! I’ve updated the wording in the post – this is a giant 25 page PDF now available in my etsy shop. I have many more free Valentine printables, feel free to grab those :)