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Yip Yip Costume Tutorial

Create your own DIY Yip Yip costume with our step-by-step tutorial! Transform into these iconic Sesame Street aliens for a fun and nostalgic Halloween look.

Yip Yip costume tutorial with free pattern.

This Yip Yip Costume Tutorial has detailed step-by-step instructions and even includes a free downloadable pattern to follow.

Too busy to make this right away? Pin it for later! Pin this post to your favorite board on Pinterest and it will be there when you’re ready!

Are you possibly as excited for Halloween as I am??!?!? The boys’ Birthday is October 26th which totally adds to the fun factor! Check out these Yip Yip costumes that I made for the whole family this year.

Awesome hey!? We’re all going to be Yip Yips – from old school Sesame Street!

My original inspiration was from Disney’s Family Fun site. I had intended to make costumes for just the man and I but had enough fabric left over for the kiddos too!

Fleece, pipe cleaners, quilt batting, and large styrofoam balls are some of the supplies needed to build Yip Yip costumes.

First off, I have tried to make these instructions as clear as possible with free patterns that you can download at the bottom of this post. Please keep in mind that this tutorial was originally written in 2010 with a few updates over the years for clarity.

This post contains affiliate links.

Supplies for this costume:

** cut into 70″ x 35″ for the top of the costume and for the bottom, three pieces 70″ x 12″, 70″ x 16″ and 70″ x 20″.

How to make a Yip Yip Costume:

Fleece pinned and ready to be cut into the Yip Yip pattern.

1. Cut your fabric as shown in the pattern. Start with the body and pin the right sides together.

Yip Yip costume on sewing machine.

2. Sew along the dashed lines shown on the pattern, creating the head of the Yip Yip.

Yip Yip costume body being sewn.

The mouth is left open at this point.

Showing where the parts of the finished Yip Yip will be.

Here’s what the costume will look like turned right side out.

Cutting fleece to create Yip Yip tentacles.

3. Cut the tentacles into the three pieces of extra fleece. The tentacles should be left about 4″ from the top of the fabric and 2″ in width.

The finished Yip Yip tentacles.

They’ll look like this.

Now let’s work on the mouth.

Black fabric is pinned to the fleece to create the mouth of the Yip Yip.
Sewing the black fabric to the fleece for the Yip Yip mouth.

4. Pin the black fabric to the opening of the mouth, right sides together.

It’ll look like this.

The mouth of the Yip Yip costume.

5. Sew the black mesh mouth to the opening of the mouth in the fleece. Turn right side out.

Yip Yip Costume Process

6. Now roll up your batting and pin it on the inside of the mouth, wrapping the fleece around the batting.

The batting is stitched into the edge of the Yip Yip mouth to create a tube shape bottom lip

7. Whip stitch this into place.

It will look like this.

The Yip Yip costume with the tentacles attached to the bottom.

8. Sew the tentacles onto the bottom, layering the longest at the back.

Using hot glue to attach styrofoam balls to create eyes on the Yip Yip Costume.

9. Hot glue gun the eyes into place.

Small styrofoam balls are attached to pipe cleaners to create antennas for the Yip Yip alien costume.

10. Twist two pipe cleaners together and hot glue gun a 1/2″ Styrofoam ball to the end. Repeat.

The antenna are attached to the top of the eyes to create an alien look for the Yip Yip.

11. Twist the two antennas together and hot glue gun them to the eyes.

12. Paint black pupils onto the styrofoam eyes.

Black paint is used on the large styrofoam balls to create pupils on the eyes of the alien.

The finished Yip Yip Costume should look something like this.

Finished Yip Yip costume.

Thank you for taking the time to scroll through my plethora of pictures. I am so glad that you stopped by. Please let me know if you’ve used this Yip Yip Costume Tutorial.  I would love to see your finished project!

A group of seven Yip Yip Sesame Street Alien Costumes.

Get The Yip Yip Pattern Below…

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Nine Sesame Street alien costumes.

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Yip Yip Costume Tutorial
5 from 7 votes

Yip Yip Costume Tutorial

Prep Time1 hour
Additional Time2 hours
Total Time3 hours
Yield: 1
Cost: 30


  • 1. Cut your fabric as shown in the pattern. Start with the body and pin the right sides together.
  • 2. Sew along the dashed lines shown on the pattern, creating the head of the Yip Yip and leaving the mouth open.
  • 3. Cut the tentacles into the three pieces of extra fleece. The tentacles should be left about 4″ from the top of the fabric and be 2″ in width.
  • 4. Pin the black fabric to the opening of the mouth, right sides together.
  • 5. Sew the black mesh mouth to the opening of the mouth in the fleece. Turn right side out.
  • 6. Now roll up your batting and pin it on the inside of the mouth, wrapping the fleece around the batting.
  • 7. Whip stitch this into place.
  • 8. Sew the tentacles onto the bottom, layering the longest at the back.
  • 9. Hot glue gun the eyes into place.
  • 10. Twist two pipe cleaners together and hot glue gun a 1/2″ Styrofoam ball to the end. Repeat.
  • 11. Twist the two antennas together and hot glue gun them to the eyes.
  • 12. Paint black pupils onto the styrofoam eyes.


  • Queen size fleece blanket
  • 20 ” x 30″ roll of cotton batting
  • 13 ” x 13″ of black sheer material
  • 2 – 4 ” Styrofoam balls
  • 2 – ½ ” Styrofoam balls
  • 4 pipe cleaners
  • black paint
  • paint brush
  • pins
  • coordinating thread
  • hot glue gun
  • sewing machine and accessories

More costume ideas:

about heather

Hello, I’m Heather!

I'm an active mom of twin boys who is always looking for opportunities to inspire creativity through fun crafts, do-it-yourself projects and delicious recipes. This blog has been an integral part of supporting my little family and I am so grateful to have you become a part of our journey! Let's create together... Read more...

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I always loved the yip yips! Great costumes!

love this! and how comfy too! if you have time come link up to Handmade Tuesdays @ http://www.ladybug-blessings.com

I love this costume, I have been looking for an easy way to make one and this one looks really good, I hope mine comes out the same way. I may have to email you if I get stuck. :)

THANK YOU!!!! I am making this for my teenage son who needs a costume for a marching band concert (in 3 days!). I’m soooo excited to find this pattern. I’ll share with you when I’m done. THANK YOU!!!


Thanks so much!!! My Yip Yip for my 9th grader came out GREAT!!! Above is the link.

OMG, thank you so much for this! I am totally making these this summer for next Halloween! (Yes, I’m a Halloween nut and start on next Halloween pretty much ASAP.)

Yip Yip costume: I think I did the lip wrong. Was I supposed to leave a few inches of mouth fabric around the edge when I was sewing in the black mouth? I don’t understand where/how I’m supposed to put the batting to make the lip, as the black fabric is sewn right to the edge of the fleece. Please help.

Thank you for your comment in regards to the mouth. I was wondering about this too.
Just so that I am clear-
Batting on the inside, then I pull body fabric over the batting and whip stitch to the seam of the mouth?

Any clarification would be great!

I hope you still remember how to make your Yip Yip costume. I am a great fan of them also. I’ve always wanted to make them for Halloween. I’m 70 and there couldn’t be a better time to try. I understand most of your instructions. I haven’ t cut anything yet I just can’t follow where the mouth will go. I think once it is cut out and sewnI will see it more clearly. Is that a seam down the front? Would appreciate anyhelp you can give me.
Thank you,
The outfit will be for me.

Hi, I love this! How do the kids see through the costume?

Disregard….I read the instructions. LOL!

Hi, Heather! Thank you for the tutorial! I am having problems with the lip of the mouth. I saw on the other comments that you put batting on the inside and pull fabric to mouth seam. I am having trouble pinning stretched enough where the mouth looks pronounced. My question is do you have any other tips and tricks for lips. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

I’m a complete novice at this and I’m having trouble following this tutorial. I have a lot of questions; please bear with me. :)

I’m looking at the pattern in pdf format, and rotated the image to where your handwritten “1 of 2” is in the upper left hand corner.

– Where is the “head,” “mouth,” and “front” from the photo in the tutorial in relation to your drawing/pattern?
– The way I get the 35″x 35″ dimension is if I fold the fabric twice; giving me four layers (single folding will give me 35″ x 70″). Am I supposed to fold the fabric/blanket twice? If so, what is your “sew” line referencing? Am I supposed to sew through all 4 layers?

I don’t see a seam down the front in the photos with the finished product.

I appreciate any help. Thanks.

Dear Heather,
thank you for the great pattern and inspiration!
Here is my YipYip version for my daughter: https://blog.erbsenprinzessin.com/2018/02/yipyip-kostuem-fuer-fasching/
We added a zipper for the mouth and holes for the arms.
Love it!

Thank you so much for this post. We used it as inspiration for my son’s costume this year, at 13, he is taller than me, and we could only find smaller blankets, but we made it work. I’d love to share a photo but I don’t know how to do that. We have had so many laughs over this costume, it is hands down the most fun I have ever had with a fleece blanket LOL

I bought a pool noodle . Could I use that to make the lips instead of batting?

What height adult is the costume for? Was it made for a man of 6 feet or would I need to lengthen it?

How would you modify this so you could eat/drink with the costume on? If I eliminate the black mesh, will the mouth lose it’s shape? Maybe a pool noodle or some wire inside the opening would help. Suggestions?

I’m making this costume for this years Halloween! I have a quick question, do hold up the mouth with my hands? Help


ever consider selling these? i would buy one. I’m not too good with a sewing machine

I am making these costumes for people i work with and I’m using a fleece blanket as the material.when i cut the material for the tentacle part, it is peeling and it looks like i killed Elmo. What can i do to help with the peeling?

I am trying to make 4 of these. All I could find is 54″ by 60 inch cuts. I bought 2 for each. I have been trying to find the best way to join them ect to make this work.
Any suggestions? I can join them and get 70×60 without having an akward 10 inch join but if I do that is there a side that would worj at 60 inches?