
Elf Holiday Party Ideas for Your Next Christmas Gathering

Unwrap the magic of Elf festivities with our holiday party ideas! Elevate your celebration with enchanting decor and free spirited printables.

Two men dressed in elf costumes.

We love these Elf holiday party ideas with printable games and activities. They are perfect to use at your next Christmas party or event.

Looking for Elf holiday party ideas?!  You’ve come to the right place, todays post is chock full of elf party ideas for a festive event! 

Every year I throw a Christmas party for friends and family.  It is always a fun, festive time complete with minute to win it style games, appetizers and a signature drink.

Last year I decided to take it a step further and created a completely Elf themed party.  We love Buddy the Elf around here so I thought that I would share some of our Elf Holiday Party Ideas because they were a huge hit!  

I have a couple of free printables for you to use. Scroll to the bottom of this post for the printable PDF files! Or check out these Printable Christmas Party Decorations.

A man in an elf costume at a party.

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Some of our Elf party essentials

Paper snowflakes are hanging from the ceiling.

How to throw an Elf inspired holiday party

First, we began by watching the movie Elf on Netflix and embracing Buddy’s affinity for elf culture.  The boys and I made snowflakes and paper chains to hang from the ceiling to recreate the look of Gimble’s Department Store from the movie.  This decor was fabulous because it totally looked festive but cost next to nothing to create!

Elf holiday party ideas, including small candies in glass vases.

Secondly, I set up an appetizer station on our kitchen island with a few treats from Santa’s workshop.  Ours is an appetizer party where guests each bring an appy to share. I made this Four Ingredient Baked Spinach Dip Recipe because it’s one of our absolute favorties!

Vases filled with candies and inspected by Elf printable labels.

I simply transformed a few glass vases with ribbon, washi tape and a couple of free printables.

Buddy the elf in a classroom with other elves.

Finally it was time to watch Elf again and come up with a few games and trivia questions.  I think that we watched it no fewer than three times and I can safely say that I am now an Elf trivia expert! *wink*

How the games worked

I split our friends into two groups and coordinated games as the night went on. Here are the games that we played during our party!  

You can save the below image to your computer to print off for your own use or download all of the printables at the end of this post.  Who doesn’t love a free printable?!

These elf holiday party ideas are brilliant and as a result we always have a great time!

Printable elf holiday party game ideas.

Elf party game ideas

1. Build an Elf Leader – each team was given a variety of supplies to “dress up” one of their fellow team mates to look like Buddy (check out the last photo in this post).  The best Elf won their team 20 points.

2. Not Free Candy – for this game I had prepared two paper plates  with eight different types of gum on them.  Each kind of gum was “pre chewed” and labelled with a number.  Without tasting or eating the gum (ew) each team had to guess what the different brands and flavours were (be sure to follow on Instagram for a photo of this game – EPIC!).  The team with the most correct guesses got 15 points.

3. Elf Trivia – without using the internet! Teams were asked to answer our Elf Trivia (free printable below) to the best of their knowledge.  15 points.

4. Chug-a-coke – teams sent forward one volunteer who felt that they could chug a bottle of Coke the fastest.  10 points can be awarded to the winning team.

The games keep going!

5. Snowball Accuracy – each member of the team was given a cotton ball attached to a ribbon.  Vaseline was smeared on their noses and they were told to grasp the end of the ribbon in their mouth.  Participants then needed to have the snowball land and stick on their nose.  The first team to have all of their players do this won 10 points (see first image in this post).

6. Snowflake Maker Activity – one nominee from each team was given too-small gloves, scissors (preferably dull) and a piece of paper.  They had two minutes to put on the gloves and create the most beautiful snowflake.  The winner earned 5 points for their team.

7. “I Like To Whisper Too” Game – just like the game of telephone, each team was given a phrase that one person had to whisper to the next, who whispered it to the next and so on.  The team that ended up with a phrase closest to the original won 5 points.

8. Longest Chain Activity – teams were given paper, scissors and tape/glue.  They were asked to make the longest paper chain possible in five minutes.  The winning team earned 5 points.

We were having far too much fun to actually keep track of point so each team took home a fabulous prize!

Elf holiday party printable trivia questions.

You won’t find any of the answers here, go and watch Elf one or four dozen times hee hee!

Elf photo props

Printable elf photo props on straws, including hats, noses, antlers, lips, and a mustache.

I printed out and laminated some cute Elf-like photo props for party goers to have fun with.  I simply attached each feature to a straw using my hot glue gun.

Paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling with a Christmas tree in the background.

Truly the biggest impact were all of the snowflakes and paper chains hanging all over the house!

A white pom pom snowball garland is hung over a mirror.

I used yarn snowball garland to accentuate any other home decor accent that was not Elf-ified enough. Take this one step further and check out these fun printables for your Elf on a Shelf!

More Elf on the Shelf ideas:

Two men enjoying the Elf holiday party.

And finally here were our Elf nominees from last year.   We had so much fun *obviously*.  I hope that these Elf holiday party ideas inspire you to throw your own Elf Party this year!

Two men dressed in elf costumes at a holiday party.

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If you love these holiday party ideas, please help me share this post on Facebook and Pinterest so that others can enjoy them too!

Buddy the Elf Sugar Cookie Recipe
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about heather

Hello, I’m Heather!

I'm an active mom of twin boys who is always looking for opportunities to inspire creativity through fun crafts, do-it-yourself projects and delicious recipes. This blog has been an integral part of supporting my little family and I am so grateful to have you become a part of our journey! Let's create together... Read more...

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This is amazing! What items did you give them to dress their elf? How many people were on a team? what great ideas!!

So you can find elf hats at a dollar store? My daughter was just asking about that! And I hadn’t even seen this

Thank you for sharing your awesome ideas with us non-creatives!!! We will have so much fun on Christmas Eve, thanks to you!!!! May your’s be blessed as well!!! ?♥️